Holy Shit
One of the most addictive games I've ever played! Great fun!
Holy Shit
One of the most addictive games I've ever played! Great fun!
I loved it! Its going in my favorites, great style gameplay... woulda been even greater if it had some musical choice, but still great!
Good at first
But got old really fast. There's no challenge at all, and it kinda got annoying constantly clicking in different places, like mad-man's pool.
Nice Try
I liked that, could of really used some sound effects and some tunes to go with... but overall a nice attempt, good job.
Very Poor
Sorry man, I like snake, and that concept you had on 360 degrees sounds great, but turns out bad. Between the stiff movement, slowness, and a dark front (not knowing if thats the background or the front of my snake), you've failed this game. Sorry, try again, and don't give up.
Great fun, but some of the stuff won't stop repeating. Awesome concept though, must give you that.
Very Impressive
I love what you did with the game, I got up to 13 or something and just got really confused. I didn't understand it at the first couple tries, but once I got the hang of it its really a game worth a look. Great job.
Damn man! That must have been a SHITLOAD of scripting! Thanks for the perfect game, I got everything you can get! Come out with more versions!
Meh, it's alright
Not the greatest thing in the world, I'm not nuts about comparing flowers... but passes the time. I got up to Level 11... nice job.
XBL Gamertag: WinterShrinkage ... PS3: MinimumWageNinja Check out my bands Snicklefritz Deluxe and MC Snickle.
Age 36, Male
Digital Filmmaking
Art Institute
Denver, CO
Joined on 7/16/03