Oh man that was great, I'm adding that to my favorites. Great animation, great story! Keep it up!!!
Oh man that was great, I'm adding that to my favorites. Great animation, great story! Keep it up!!!
He's got a point you know...
It does seem to me he does more work than knox, just knox is more well known, and has a pretty good sense of humor. But Masta_Grasshoppa does all his stunts, edits it, imports it, and sometimes a little animation before the movie could begin. I'm on your side.
BTW- how the hell did the size end up to be 8.3 kb and the movie has a bunch of skate clips?
The graphics are just too kickass, and it has the best quality length. I finally got around to watching it, and its totally worth it. Keep it up.
Damn good
I was suprised to see how good this was compared to the score! The score on this movie should be a hell of a lot higher. You did a good job and little details, dont let the score get to you, you're good.
OH WAIT!(CAR COMING) lol! Damn man, at the end, thats gotta fuckin' hurt. Good movie, keep them coming.
You totally ripped off Little Fighter Alpha... can't you think of something yourself?
K Dude... I am a part of the Little Fighter Alpha crew. We make our own movies, we share ideas, and give opinions for our projects.
That was great man, holy shit, who would have thought just a bunch of pictures would be so damn funny, great music choice too.
You should definately make a full one, nice job on all of that, you're a good Flash artist.
In all thats holy...
What the hell? lol, That was extremely strange... but in a good way! Damn that was original though, phew. Keep it up.
XBL Gamertag: WinterShrinkage ... PS3: MinimumWageNinja Check out my bands Snicklefritz Deluxe and MC Snickle.
Age 36, Male
Digital Filmmaking
Art Institute
Denver, CO
Joined on 7/16/03