Very entertaining! And a big file too, lots of work. I look forward to the semi-finals. I hope madness wins! lol Goodbye clock. Also awesome widescreen, gotta love it.
Very entertaining! And a big file too, lots of work. I look forward to the semi-finals. I hope madness wins! lol Goodbye clock. Also awesome widescreen, gotta love it.
I like your concept, keep up the good work!
Some serious widescreen going on, and well done performances. Not too nuts about the clown exposing himself, I don't think many others will enjoy watching a clown penis bouncing around either. But good job nonetheless.
For some reason I just really loved the environment, and everything went along with it. Good job.
Haha pretty good
I thought overall it was a pretty decent joke. Short, but great ending! lol
thanks, decent joke was what i was going for.
Not great
It's good don't get me wrong, but just missing a certain something. I thought the teacher crying was great, and the bass of her head smacking. Personally I would have liked to hear the Slipknot music in it because they're my favorite band.
XBL Gamertag: WinterShrinkage ... PS3: MinimumWageNinja Check out my bands Snicklefritz Deluxe and MC Snickle.
Age 36, Male
Digital Filmmaking
Art Institute
Denver, CO
Joined on 7/16/03