Thought you died or something man, keep coming back with some stuff. Missed your flashes.
Thought you died or something man, keep coming back with some stuff. Missed your flashes.
Losing the touch..
You should stick with Salad Fingers or Spoilsbury Toastboy.. don't get me wrong, I enjoy this series. But as you being my favorite artist, and me being a big fan of your work I know that you're losing some of your freaky touch. Its kinda getting repetitive and you should try something new or continue the good stuff.
I wish I had a 3D program...
Just don't know which one to buy... although yours, although you seem like you're kinda new to this, was pretty good. Nice camera angle, wish it did a full 360, but still cool. Work really hard on something!
No offense or anything, but that seriously was pathetic. A pointless short ripping off madness, and in a really stupid manner also. Sorry, but just was crap.
No offense, but your review was pathetic.
It gives no CC what so ever.
Sorry, it's just crap.
You only said "shit" twice...
And as far as the movie goes, its not a Weebl classic... sorry, but try again.
Not only is it a bad first flash, and I have no clue how it passed judgment, but its STICK. Come on, how n00b is stick? Especially fighting sticks, that is so outdone. Sticks suck, suck the pen0r, hear that, the pen0r... THE PEN0R.
XBL Gamertag: WinterShrinkage ... PS3: MinimumWageNinja Check out my bands Snicklefritz Deluxe and MC Snickle.
Age 36, Male
Digital Filmmaking
Art Institute
Denver, CO
Joined on 7/16/03