Great job!
Lavagasm, you rock! You have a great style to movies, and I'll ttyl on AIM!
Great job!
Lavagasm, you rock! You have a great style to movies, and I'll ttyl on AIM!
It was mostly all Kofla and Vash, hence the reason they are on the list above me
Haha I admit..
I do that a lot when I'm bored... and I'm always bored. Thank you for bringing back present memories.
Thank you sir.
Awesome action and animation! Keep it up!
OH MY GOD, you are in my favorite authors list, I absolutely love dark and alone, don't stop making them or i'll cry
Pretty Cool
Very different from most submissions, liked it for that. Kinda small, and had to get close to the screen which was kind of annoying, but overall its a good little piece of work.
BTW- Love your music. Keep them coming.
yeah.. i thought id made it small to get some of your lazy asses up against the screen ;p
Awesome stuff, my olskool shit! lol You did awesome, you didnt even tell me you were releasing it yet! Well anyways it was awesome, and I'll never look at my old shit the same way again! Keep it up!
Well you weren't online, thats why! :P
LOL! THAT MADE ME JUMP LIKE HELL! The funny thing was my face was an inch from the screen, oh did that made my day! I FEEL ALIVE AGAIN! lol
LOL glad you enjoyed it ;)
Great Work!
I loved it! I'm sorry about the technical errors at the end, thats gotta be a royal pain in the ass. But this movie alone is groundbreaking, and keep up the excellent work!
I thank you. :)
THAT WAS ONE HELL OF A FLICK... speaking of which.. I CAN'T WAIT FOR MYSTERY PORTAL THEATER 2: THE 666PYRO666 EDITION! lol Great work man!
Do you have to act like such a noob about it? You watch it or I'll pull you from the credits. :P
Haha pretty good
I thought overall it was a pretty decent joke. Short, but great ending! lol
thanks, decent joke was what i was going for.
Good, but has flaws
Did you think about removing the frames of your hands moving the clay? And a less thick whatever lifting him into the air. The gun part was pretty well done though.
yeah, BUT then that seen wouldnt be thei r:P and if anyone knows how to compress clay movies tell me please
XBL Gamertag: WinterShrinkage ... PS3: MinimumWageNinja Check out my bands Snicklefritz Deluxe and MC Snickle.
Age 36, Male
Digital Filmmaking
Art Institute
Denver, CO
Joined on 7/16/03